THE STARRY NIGHT Nov 5 Written By Ash Lazer WRITTEN BY: Gina Gomez & Lisa Gomez LOGLINE: Stuck in an asylum and suffering from an artistic block, Vincent van Gogh must recount the most traumatic memory of his life in order to paint his greatest masterpiece.VIBE CHECK: AMADEUS x BLACK SWANFORMAT: FeatureWORLD PREMIERE SCRIPT REQUEST READ SCRIPT TEASER Back to main showcase OBS3DRAMA Ash Lazer
THE STARRY NIGHT Nov 5 Written By Ash Lazer WRITTEN BY: Gina Gomez & Lisa Gomez LOGLINE: Stuck in an asylum and suffering from an artistic block, Vincent van Gogh must recount the most traumatic memory of his life in order to paint his greatest masterpiece.VIBE CHECK: AMADEUS x BLACK SWANFORMAT: FeatureWORLD PREMIERE SCRIPT REQUEST READ SCRIPT TEASER Back to main showcase OBS3DRAMA Ash Lazer